Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 3 Assignment: Terrain Tool and Geometry

This week we were asked to construct a level using the terrain tool and geometry. For this assignment, I wanted to make a structure that felt "natural" and sort of a part of the terrain. Originally, I had wanted to do a sort of haunted mansion to fit in with Halloween, but settled on a lighthouse instead. I also used blueprint for the first time, creating the jump pads through a tutorial, as well as creating a trigger for the main light in my level. The light is remains off until a player gets close enough to it, then turns on and stays on.

The point light is in place by is currently not visible

Adding the trigger volume

The light is activated by the player


Besides adding the light trigger, I also attempted to create an animation to open the door, but this did not cooperate, and I scrapped it for time reasons.

Here is a short video of my level

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